Archive | November, 2011

Advice Needed: Nikon or Canon

22 Nov

I know that many of you, bloggers/blog readers are camera experts, or at least are less clueless than me. I’ve been doing a lot of research on the matter, but I find it difficult to choose one over the other, but I’ve managed to narrow it down to the “top rated” DSLR makers: Nikon and Canon.

Now, I really need your help. I’ve been saving for the “Black Friday” sales, so I could get a good camera for a reasonable price (around US $600). I have a small Canon, but the image resolution isn’t the best. Most of my friends own Canons, and they are very happy with both the resolution and the ease of use, but those who own Nikons claim that Nikon cameras are sleaker and aren’t as noisy as the Canon cameras. I’ve done the Best Buy camera comparison, too.

But I think it is best to ask you, as users, for your own opinion/experience with these two brands. I’ll be moving to Taizhou (China) next month, and I would like to take my DSLR with me (they’re a bit more expensive over there).

Thanks guys.

Fresh Lunch in Bergamo

8 Nov
Several months ago we had the opportunity to visit a restaurant that served food from different towns in the Lombardy region. The restaurant is in our town, Bergamo. As I already mentioned before, Bergamo is divided in two parts: Upper Bergamo and Lower Bergamo. Upper Bergamo is surrounded by Venetian walls built in the 17th century that served as protection during war. Besides being a beautiful and enchanting town, in the summertime it becomes very lively thanks to the many tourists and students from all over the world that choose Bergamo as their summer destination.
So, back in July, we decided to visit Upper Bergamo in search of a nice restaurant. We found a small cozy place called Mimi. We both had a salad drizzled with olive oil and balsamic vinegar, which in my humble opinion is the perfect dressing. After our healthy salad, we ordered a selection of meats that included: prosciutto crudo (raw ham), salami, speck and coppa. They also offered us some bread stuffed with goat cheese. All the products were from the region and fresh with no preservatives or weird things. Our taste buds were having a party. Each kind of meat had a different texture and richness, but none left you with a weird aftertaste. If you’re carnivore, then you should definitely try these ones. And don’t forget to accompany with a glass of red wine. It’s the perfect combination!

Hope you have a wonderful day !
Lo mismo pero en Español:
Hace algunos meses fuimos a comer a un restaurante en la ciudad de Bergamo que sirve comida típica de la región llamada Lombardia en Italia. Bergamo esta dividida en Bergamo Alta y Bergamo Baja. La parte Alta está protegida por una gran muralla veneziana construida en el siglo XVII para proteger a la comunidad que vivía allí en tiempos de guerra. Aparte de ser muy bonita, tiene un gran encanto y en Verano se llena de turistas y de estudiantes que vienen para tomar cursos de verano o a través de programas internacionales. Así que decidimos aprovechar esos días soleados para ir a comer algo fresco, y encontramos este lugar que se llama Mimi.
Comimos una ensalada mixta aderezada con aceite de oliva y vinagre balsámico (la mejor combinación). Después ordenamos una selección de carnes que incluían: prosciutto crudo, salame, speck y coppa. Todas tenían un sabor diferente. Para acompañar nos trajeron empanadas rellenas de queso y pan de ajo recién hecho. Todos los productos eran de la región y eran naturales (biológicos) sin conservantes ni cosas extrañas. Todo estuvo muy sabroso ! Así que si tienen la oportunidad de probar este tipo de carnes frías, háganlo porque les aseguro que no se arrepentirán. Y no olvidan acompañar su platillo con una pequeña copa de vino tinto, en moderación.
Que tengan un gran día !