Tag Archives: beauty

Spring Inspo

2 Apr

Spring Inspo

April is finally here! The weather is starting to get better here in Taizhou and the sun comes out almost every day, so it definitely feels more like spring now.
About 2 months ago we moved to a new apartment and we are still trying to figure out how to make it feel more like our own place. When you are constantly migrating from one place to another, you can’t accumulate too many things because you may end up having to throw them away once you move on to your next house 😦 .
I still like to add some details to make our place feel like home. After all, it is our current home.
Flowers, bright colors, lots of natural light, some music and good home made food can always make a place feel more cozy and welcoming.


La Unica

16 Jan

La Unica

I’ve always been a fan of Frida Kahlo. She’s one of my style icons, for she wasn’t afraid to express who she was through clothes, jewelry and flowers. her paintings express her life and even her photos show what a powerful lady she was. Granted, she wasn’t your typical beauty, but she was truly majestic in many other ways. A very smart lady who took her suffering and misfortune and transformed it all into art and beauty